Heavy Iron Cast KettelBell - 10kg

Heavy Iron Cast KettelBell - 10kg

Quick Overview

These cast iron kettlebells weighing 2 kg, 3 kg, 4 kg, 6 kg, 8 kg, 10 kg, 12 kg, 14 kg, 16 kg, 18 kg, 20 kg, 22 kg, 24 kg, 26 kg, 28 kg, 30 kg and 32 kg are ideal for your entry into weight training. You can perform swings and basic exercises such as ripping, pushing and moving with them. For optimal training it is good to start out on thes..

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These cast iron kettlebells weighing 2 kg, 3 kg, 4 kg, 6 kg, 8 kg, 10 kg, 12 kg, 14 kg, 16 kg, 18 kg, 20 kg, 22 kg, 24 kg, 26 kg, 28 kg, 30 kg and 32 kg are ideal for your entry into weight training. You can perform swings and basic exercises such as ripping, pushing and moving with them. For optimal training it is good to start out on these exercises with lighter weights. Pay attention to a clean execution of the movements. This protects your joints and brings the best results. When swinging, you can let the dumbbell swing between your legs and move it around with one or both arms on its sides. The solid construction makes this cast iron kettlebell a practical and easy to handle training device.
Classic kettlebell design for optimal training

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